
School Supply lists can be found on the Parents tab under Registration.
Pre-Enrolment/Registration for the 2025-2026 School Year
The pre-enrolment/registration process for the 2025-2026 beings at 8:00am on February 3, 2025 and closes on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 4:00pm.
Kindergarten Registration
Registrations for kindergarten will be accepted begining February 3, 2025 for children who were born on or before December 31, 2020.
If your child is new to Edmonton Public Schools, you can register for school online. Visit the Division website to learn how to register for school.
If you have questions about registering for school, contact the school office.
The mission of Bannerman School is to ensure high-levels of learning for all. The achievement of our students and their roles as our future neighbors, workforce, and leaders makes this a critical mission. When we say "learning for all", however, we don't just mean each student. All stakeholders are valuable resources and supports in the growth and development of our children, and it is a priority to connect teachers, support staff, and families to learning opportunities that will help our learners achieve our mission.
Principal's Message
Bannerman School is a community of learners centered around student growth and achievement. Our students are provided with a number of learning activities and experiences to allow them to interact with curriculum in meaningful ways. This includes providing access to: educational technology such as Chromebooks and iPads; a wide range of books to engage readers in our school library and classroom libraries; in-school and off-site field trips; math manipulatives to make numbers make sense; and artists in residence programs. As a K to 6 school, our students also support each other in leading and learning by having buddy classes to do activities with on a regular basis.
It is critical to equip our students with the essential skills they need to be successful when their school career ends. In order to do this, Bannerman teachers themselves engage in professional learning and collaborate around how to best provide students with what they need to be productive, positive, and prepared citizens. We are committed to helping all students learn at high levels, and sometimes that means students require extra support. Teachers will use a variety assessments to identify where students need additional time, instruction, and/or assistance, and work together as a team to deliver that support in a timely manner. At Bannerman, we take collective responsibility for every student in the building – ALL of our kids are all of OUR kids!
Our parent community is a central piece to student success in school. We encourage parents to be active in their child’s learning, and enter into partnership with the school. The Bannerman Parents Educational Club supports student learning by assisting with ensuring universal access for all students to field trips. They also foster community and create memorable experiences for kids in school by hosting hot lunches and contributing to school events.
Bannerman is truly one of the most invested communities in the city, with the Community League, local agencies, and surrounding businesses dedicated to supporting the school. The Community contributes to the after school programs hosted at Bannerman School, as well as partners with the school for a variety of events to create a shared responsibility for the growth of our children.
It is with a grateful heart that I serve Bannerman School as Principal. Welcome to our beautiful school!
Tara Kushnir, Principal